It's late, your mate has gone to bed and you are getting to delayed emails. You're sleepy, your patience is waning and something a friend has written prompts you to burn a politician or in a moment of anger-driven overstatement you threaten an act you would never do. You know you would never seriously even entertain such an idea and your correspondent knows that, but what about the algorithmic watcher?
There's no way you'd ever cheat on your husband but a foreign account executive with whom you do business regularly loves to flirt, and you flirt back, all in fun and in the sake of business relationships. Nothing serious to it, even when there is an occasional passing comment that might sound akin to Fifty Shades of Gray. It's just play, but does a government cell call listener know that?
Or maybe you and your lover, frustrated by a long distance and a separation crank up your endorphins with some intimate conversation. Is that anyone's business?
Perhaps you and like minded folks find the only way to get some political action is to plan a protest or demonstration and you discuss civil disobedience. You are only talking and the most dangerous outcome of your pipe dreaming would be maybe a sit in. Should big brother be snooping into your conversations?
These scenarios are modern dilemmas and they are getting no simpler. Exercise your thoughts for a moment by considering what these folks have to say.
Here's some wisdom for you, direct from the recently poured cement at my daughter's cooperative apartment.
And some of us may remember getting into trouble for
leaving initials in new sidewalks or driveways.
The drive south on the Pacific Coast Highway had an extra bit of color in the sky today. Cal Fire was conducting a "controlled burn" on about 195 acres near the Harmony Headlands State Park.
See you down the trail.