It's embarrassing to think how hard we worked on finding the perfect tree during our first seasons together. One year it took several days, it seems scouring the state. It became a point of contention each year, so I defaulted to letting Lana make the choice.
Now we are more easily content. Maturity? Laziness? A desire to give an ugly tree a home? Probably, but it doesn't matter.
Just having the green and the old ornaments together again is a gift until itself. And choosing up here in the village is pure Cambria-friendly, easy, laid back and cheery.
Still there is that issue of the lights and the cosmic riddle of why they don't work-but a brilliant daughter and a driven Lana tackle that. My skill comes in placing the Dickens figures on just the right branch, and putting the angel atop the scene. And pouring the egg nog!
The garden center provided many choices of tree. Being from Oregon you can probably smell the freshness.
We found one quickly. It needs only a little rehabilitation.
Then into the twinkle house where you automatically
become a kid. Wonder lurks in this season.
It probably helps to maintain a festive spirit when we know this is the only snow we'll need to navigate-unless we want to drive a half day to ski country. Not going to happen though.
See you down the trail.