
Showing posts with label Thomas Jefferson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Jefferson. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012


     As a prelude to the notion, is a notion itself.  Back in the early 70's I read a proposal that American electoral politics
would be more efficient if everything was done like a television rating service.  Well it was an idea before its time and not a particularly good one at that, but novel and bespeaking the need to "modernize" campaigning.
       Fast forward to what seems to be another endless and even more expensive campaign cycle and there is a new idea being floated.  Michael Eisner, ceo of The Walt Disney Company from 1984 to 2005 took to the pages of the LA Times to plug Americans Elect which will hold what they call the nation's first national online primary. You can learn more
by linking here to their web site.  
      I'm not sure of what to make of this particular iteration of an idea that has been kicking around for a while.  What I'm struck by is the logic Eisner employs in his advocacy. His dissection of the silliness and over weighting of Iowa and New Hampshire is spot on.
      American electoral politics has been through previous changes.  Information technology and systems have changed our ways of behavior in profound ways.  While the Americans Elect concept may not be the great salvation of the now costly and money influenced campaign process, it is a novel response and statement of dis-sastifaction with the way it is.
As Eisner says the current system is "mired in the past."  He adds "...we are burdened with a system that gives the bullhorn to the smallest voices and makes the majority feel unheard." 
Thorns of another type 

See you down the trail.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


An idea launched itself in Lana's head
as she read Andrea Wulf's Founding Gardeners.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams used
kelp to enrich their fields.
 We now had a mission-collect
kelp from the shore.
 Chinese kelp harvesters worked these Central
California shores with great productivity.
 We didn't mind being the only modern
shore harvesters.  The Abalone farm in Cayucos
uses a harvest boat to work the beds in regions
for which they are licensed.
 We found a practical purpose for those
noxious plastic bags that never seem to go away.

 There was something else the Founders
used on their gardens. To collect it
we made a quick dash just up Highway 1 to a side road.
 In about a mile and half we were
entering a new micro climate as we drove
 into the Santa Lucias along San Simeon Creek.
 The road took us into sun and to
 the area of our next hunting
 with the prize being just
 across the cattle gate.
 The founders used manure and we knew of a
great field of cow chips.
 With a collection gathered, 
 we headed back toward the ridge
 and the awaiting compost
 about to be recharged,
first with the chips and
then with the kelp.
 I asked Lana if she thought TJ used a garden hose
to rinse his kelp.
 Now we have an enriched compost heap
thanks to offal of Pacific kelp beds,
 grazed open range cattle
and the Founding Gardeners.
See you down the trail

Monday, July 4, 2011


Do your self a great favor today.
Take a couple of minutes to read
the Declaration of Independence by linking here.
Here's something to add to your conversation at a barbecue or party today.
Two of the framers and signers of the Declaration
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the second and third 
Presidents of the US, died on July 4th 1826, the 
50th Anniversary of the signing.
Both men had been ill.  Jefferson asked his doctor
"Is it the Fourth yet?"
"It soon will be," Robley Dunglison replied.
Later Jefferson awoke to say,
"I resign my spirit to God, my daughter to my country."
Adams was asked if he knew what day it was.
"Oh yes.  It is the glorious Fourth of July. It is a great day. It is a good day. God Bless it.  God Bless you all."
He lapsed into unconsciousness. Later he awoke and said
"Thomas Jefferson.  Thomas Jefferson survives."
Actually Jefferson had died a couple of hours earlier.
It remains an amazing coincidence that the two men, infirmed and dying  held on to life until the 50th Anniversary 
of perhaps America's greatest day.
Happy Independence Day!
See you down the trail.