We passed about 15 horrible minutes today looking at the insipidly terrible trash video that whipped fundamental Muslims into riotous frenzy. Though it is pathetically stupid and attempts to be offensive to Islam, it is also stupid that intelligent people would riot in response. Rotten is rotten so the best response is to ignore it. Fundamentalists of any stripe seem to abandon reason though and so the protests continue, giving longer life to the very thing they abhor. Duh!!
At coffee after tennis this morning David, an admired and respected man, widely traveled and in his 80's, spoke of the extraordinary power of youtube and other internet videos. "It's changed everything" he said, "there is no control over what people see or how they'll react."
In his youth, radio and newspapers were the predominant
carrier of attitude and information. Those media, like television, represent structure, organization and a process that touches and shapes the information at least. The internet of course gives all players equal access to your eyes, ears and brain. It is without an inherent balance, establishment of significance or quality control. And it is pervasive.
With that as a full disclosure disclaimer, allow me to put a piece of propaganda before you this weekend. This is a short trailer about a growing issue and a likely problem across the land. This is a one sided teaser-but it's about something we all need to think about. Note my emphasis on think...something absent in all aspects of the first item posted today.
Our thought for the weekend then is just that;
Think about something. Exercise those gray cells.
See you down the trail.