

Saturday, March 22, 2025

A swelling anger in X America...


      The anger grows. Even those who voted for the fool are outraged. The courts are rebuffing the capricious ripping up of the federal system. America's reputation is broken. The richest man in the world has free rein and wants to nib into our most sensitive security secrets. Lives are damaged or destroyed by incompetence. Has there ever been such a mean spirit and depravity of soul in the White House? Has there ever been such a deplorable and malignant narcissist with so little knowledge, or skill to hold such power?

    Nearly 250 years of history and progression of self-governance shaken and hammered, beaten and attacked like a petulant demon brat slamming a precious gift on his crib floor as he dirties himself.

    There's a fellow on our local next door posts who I charitably describe as poorly educated and without a wit of knowledge of history, who yammers away as do others, "this is what he was elected to do." If that were so, why are millions of red state, red hatted red faced voters so angry their red republican congressman are now refusing to hold constituent meetings? I would say, too, he was not elected, even by red hatted Magats, to turn our back on our allies, attack our friends and become a kiss ass puppet of one of the truly evil and dangerous brutes in the world. He was not elected to upend veterans rights and access to medicine, or cut the welfare programs so many of his voters depend on. It doesn't matter they were all warned, they believed the lies and now he is destroying their lives too. He's engineered an economic tumble.

    This is what happens in an empire of lies, where revenge is life blood, where the only thing that counts is the mad man at the center and where incompetents bow obsequiously and murder any vestige of morality. Oh and the circle of sycophants extend beyond the cabinet, beyond the House and Senate, to those Universities and heavy hitter law firms, and newsrooms, who toil now in fear of the rotten and stinky bully. 

    But the Courts are holding, for now. There are journalists who remind us that some of those so called narco gangsters "really bad people," stuck in a dark hole El Salvador prison we are paying for, are people like students, refugees, a soccer coach. Their sin? Tattoos and a name the White House white supremicsts didn't like. No one voted for that.

    No one voted for one of the biggest recipients of federal money, an unelected meddler to cut aid to the starving and sick. No one voted for insurrectionists, "cop killers" and attackers, to be freed while college students are arrested or deported for exercising free speech. No one voted to have a chain saw taken to the intricate world of social security and medicare and medicare or to have their most private of records made public by teenaged hackers. No one voted for the vibrant market and healthy economy to suffer only to worsen because of a trade war started by a dolt.

    There is a swelling anger. My village's meeting hall, jammed beyond capacity was locked by the fire marshal as people lined the building, entrance ramps, listening in windows and open doors  to hear a Democratic Congressman give them some assurance that the America we trusted and believe in, the nation that some of us and our fathers and mothers or brothers and sisters served, the nation that struggles forward to provide human dignity and liberty, and to be a friend and ally to nations, that that nation and beacon still exists. That someone in Washington remembers who we profess to be, who we aspire to become, that we are a nation of law, that we are not a nation of selfish, care only for ourselves, narrow minded, uneducated, money worshiping would be mobsters, racists and fascists. 

    Childish and propaganda media think it's important to excoriate Democrats, who have yet to become an effective opposition. At least we know they told us how bad  it would be. Republicans remain the least honorable gaggle of ego, gas and goofballs in modern history. For 8 years they profess their disdain behind closed doors, but fold and cower in the presence of their blustering subjugator. They've abandoned the tradition of legislative power and a co-equal branch of government as quickly as any coward has run from a bully. They define shame.

    I maybe wrong. There may people who did vote for this. A couple of lines from Mark Twain come to mind; "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately defined by stupidity." Hence he offers this caution, "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

    This will take courage. This will take principle. This will take a belief in the aspiration of imperfect people who are better when we jointly seek a more perfect union.

   Stay focused. Keep cool. Tell it like it is. Do not suffer fools easily, but remember a lot of the fools who put us in this position, are just that, in the same boat as we are. We need to give them space, so they can count in the number of citizens who will stand against the destruction. We must think even red hats can learn and change their mind. 

    While the party system stumbles, citizens need to assert objectives. The elected officials work for us. The founders were wary of political parties. We are living validation of their concern.

    Now, enjoy the visual elements.....

    See you down the trail.