There are times when we need to be with the trees, and away from some of the human madness.
Words and pictures exposed to light. A space of notions, impressions and breezes. Text and photography by Tom.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Clearing the mind in the trees. Saying Goodbye.
Friday, May 6, 2022
It's called the Twisted Grove, one of the many Redwood families in the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in the Santa Cruz Mountains near Aptos, California.
I see it as a metaphor of now.
The trees live on the San Andreas fault and changing land in their hundreds of years have caused them to twist to reach to for the light.
Consider the great palaver about the leaked Supreme Court opinion; That a radical right wing clique appears to be on the verge of banning individual liberty has the majority of Americans dutifully concerned....that the Republican party who packed the court with zealots is more concerned about the leak than a regressive decision, unwanted by a majority of citizens.
The Supreme Court we were taught to vaunt and hallow is exposed as being more horse shit offal of our broken political system. Almost holy respect for the Supremes? The mystique is gone.
Please recall three of the supremes were nominated by Donald Trump, after one nomination was stolen from President Obama. Two were nominated by George W. Bush. What do Bush and Trump have in common? Both lost the popular vote.
The majority of Americans voted against their judgements and character, but they put 5 on the court. At least 3 of those five lied on camera about Roe V. Wade when questioned during their testimony. And on this high court is a man married to a person of questionable character who supported the January 6 insurrection.
The concrete tanker is now a home for sea birds and a flourishing sea life. It has become a kind of reef, as it continues sinking, slowly into the sea.
We were at dinner party and in the rambling conversation conviviality I heard myself say I'm ascribing more dignity and favor to trees than I am to a whole lot of humanity. Trees last. By comparison we are on a short timeline.
Trees reach for the light. It's what they do to live for hundreds and thousands of years. Democratic republics could take note.
Friday, September 20, 2013
From 1,200 to 1,800 years old I try to imagine the kind of changes that have swept over this planet since they first emerged as saplings. I am filled with awe and reverence whenever I am in their presence, or in the presence of their cousins, the coast Redwoods. That is why Big Sur and the
Sequoia national parks are so special to me.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
We were first enchanted by the area
when it was a private campground.
forests design for them.
was used in cement and concrete to build San Francisco.
See you down the trail.