

Saturday, July 27, 2024

You know it's different when...

 You know things have changed when: 

            Snoop Dog and Peyton Manning are team mates covering the Olympics

            A French new "new wave" cinema turns Paris into the "Opening Ceremony" featuring a menage a trois and a building with windows full of a beheaded Marie Antoinette as Olympic images

            When a Presidential campaign is waged as a battle of memes and regarded as entertainment. (And when media covers it that way)

              When MAGA has the old white man with signs of mental instability as the fuhrer. (And when he is a winy old felon)

You know it's crazy time when:

             The winy old felon drones on about doing away with elections because he will "fix things." (And when crowds who call themselves Christians are all in)

You know it's "Come to Jesus" time when: 

            Christians who are not right wing evangelical dominionists are blowing the whistle and calling a cult a cult. 

            When Christ followers remind the world it is about love and acceptance-not hate, judgement and dictatorships.


    You know there is hope when:

            A man puts nation above self, patriotism above ambition, and listens to the people. (Joe Biden will remembered as a great American President and honored public servant.)

            When millions of US citizens are signing on to the Presidential election in record setting ways. (And when millions more are now looking at the MAGA criminal network and laughing at how pitiful, pathetic and pathological they are!)

    It will be even better when:

            The rest of us find a way to build bridges, renew friendships, and express understanding to the poor victims of MAGA and Fox brainwashing, lies, conspiracies, manipulation, and anti American cultism. They too have hopes, dreams, and hurts. 

            When people understand that tolerance, respect and human dignity is for everyone. (And when people understand Love is an action and a choice!)

     See you down the trail.