B as in Italian Bee from Glenn California. They are on the move.
As you may recall from an earlier post, Lana and Katherine have installed a colony of Italian bees. Today they've been sighted on the move.
They've emerged from their hive, taking nutrition from the honey water
coming and going. But more importantly they've been sighted on the echium
which as you can see is convenient to their home base.
How, you might ask, do you know they are the Italian Bees from Glenn California and not another honey bee? Lana says our bees are more "blond" and she's been watching them closely. Stay tuned.
Our village, tucked between the Pacific and the Santa Lucia mountains and nestled over highlands, valleys and a Monterey Pine forest has a true western history.
Chumash and Salinans, Mexican aristocracy, cowboys, miners, Azorean whalers and native Californios were here first, then came the bohemians, artists, writers, musicians, retirees
and a few Hollywood stars. By now it is a unique culture were on any given day
50% of the population will tell you what's right and the other 50% will have some variation of what's not.
A recent hot topic has been Tammy Ruddock, the executive director of our CCSD.
The village is governed by the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) board.
Ostensibly the staff works for the board. There are some who question just who has the power. The recent firing of the town's Fire Chief by Ms Ruddock has set off screeches, howls, accusations, rumor and a general furor. She cites "confidentiality of personnel" issues and refuses to discuss the specifics. Most say the chief, while aggressive in protective measures, not unreasonable in a forest, is a good guy and has done a great job.
Well, he's out and she ain't saying why. This prompted one of the town's
leading characters, 90+ year old Jim Buckely, founder of the local theater playhouse, to say that of Ms. Ruddock "They ought to string her up!"
Elsewhere that statement could ignite all manner of fall out. Here, well, this is the west and we have trees that some of the old timers remember as "hangin trees."
Remember the the Zebra shootings--rancher vs rancher and range rights and all, just a few months ago.
We've got another dandy fight underway.
Stay tuned for this as well.
See you down the trail.
The fire chief had shut down Buckely's Playhouse until
it installed an expensive new sprinkler system. Still
he is a defender of the chief and no fan of
Ms Tammy, who earns, with benefits and allowances,
some $230,000 to manage a town of 5,500 or so.